Our Water Our World

If you have been in the store lately you have probably seen little tags that say Eco-Friendly, less-toxic Product and an emblem that says Our Water, Our Water our world.   OWOW (OurWaterOurWorld) is a non-profit agency whose mission statement is: to raise awareness of the connection between pesticide use and water quality and provide information to consumers at the point-of-purchase about integrated pest management (IPM) and less-toxic alternatives that are not causing water quality problems. 

More simply put, they understand that we in the bay area want beautiful gardens and beautiful water.  To make this a reality they have been working since 1997 to put together promotional and informative materials that give people alternatives to the traditionally harsh pesticide chemicals.  Less pesticide run-off means less poison that finds its way into our water supply, and perhaps there is nothing more universally Californian than worrying about where our water is coming from. So, look for the display pictured in this blog, in our store for your free information sheets on how to solve common garden problems with less toxicity. Or look for the Our Water Our World tags under products that are more water and eco-friendly than the alternative.  If you would like more information about OWOW you can check out their website here, or ask any of our associates who have gone through OWOW training.

(pictured above are our very own Our Water Our World water saving heroes)

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